Divine Secrets of Me
Random ramblings of a bored housewife..
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I got inspired
I enjoy being a fulltime housewife and taking care of my baby, but having worked before makes me feel that something is missing. That SOMETHING is actually the need to work again..which is impposible cos 1) I dont have a nanny to take care of my little precious, 2) Noone is willing to pay me the salary that I demamded, & 3) I dont want to miss a single moment of Little Precious first word, first step..ect2...which leaves me back to square one, which is to become a fulltime housewife. However, after watching the movie, I feel that there IS more that I can do even as a housewife. I mean, apart from helping mr. hubby financially, I can also kill time..not that I have much of it in the first place, but yeah..it can be done.
What is it that I'm gonna do? Hm..I will keep it to myself first, but once its started, I am deff gonna blog about it..just like what Julia Powell did..and who knows, I might get lucky and someone important, like a publisher/producer *cough*, will read my blog and oh..i dont know...publish it..or make a movie out of it?! Ok, ok..i might have goten way over my head. On a serious note, I do intend to do something. That something still remain a secret for now as I dont want to jinx it, but rest assured that I shall write about it once its started.
Till then..i shall continue to wacthout for more inspirational movies and get inspired evenmore to do what I intend to do. Watch out peeps..I'm on a roll!!
Friday, June 04, 2010
Long Overdue post..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Celebration of Lights..
Speaking of open houses, there will be one open house that we will be visiting and i am looking forward to it, cos i know the host can really cook! The last time we visited the host was for the same occasion and boy, oh boy, did they impress me with their indian array of food served. Only one world to desribe it, delicious!
I'll try and post pictures of the open house when i get the chance, so until then, wishing all my Hindu friends a Happy Diwali and to the rest, have a safe PH!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Happy Raya!!
On a brighter note..tomorrow is Raya! Yay! 2 days of PH! Double Yay!..and for a tripple Yay, I'll be flying off to Kch tonight! Wohhoooo!! Thankfully the PH falls on a Wed and Thursday, so i'll only take leave on Friday and the following Monday. I'm still working today but am gonna leave before lunch as the company has a policy of allowing their staff to take 1/2 day on the eve of festive season.
I'll try and write sum more during this holiday but until then, I would like to wish all my muslim friends "Selamat Hari Raya" and to those that are not celebrating, have a wonderful hoilday & be safe always!
Friday, May 02, 2008
Hectic Week - Part 1
What happened was, sister (LB) came down for a 2 week meeting last Wednesday and since then our weekdays AND weekends have been pretty much occupied with her. Our routine for the whole 2 week was meeting her after work to have dinner on weekdays and bringing her for her shopping 'ritual' around town during the weekends. My BIL (brother-in-law) was also in town and he has been here since the beginning of April to attend a one month course, but he would normally join us during the weekend as he would only be free then. Besides, the place where he was attending the course was quite a distance from the hotel that LB was staying in. On top of that, it was in town so trying to get a cab during rush hour to go to Hilton PJ is just like committing suicide!
The first night LB was in town, she was staying in Boulevard Hotel in Midvalley area. The room was pretty much standard....nothing to shout about. Initially, she wanted a room in Hilton PJ but were told that it was fully occupied and so was Armada Hotel, which was just opposite Hilton. So she had no choice but to take Boulevard. There were a few of them staying there so every morning all of them would call for a cab to go to Hilton PJ to attend the course.
Me and BF fooling around at the lobby and in LB's hotel room in Boulevard.
LB moved to Hilton PJ the next day, so no more hailing a cab every morning for her... and boy, oh boy was she glad! That night, after work, BF and I met her for dinner and we brought her to have dinner in 'Strawberry Field' in PJ. Didn't took any photo of the food we ordered but it good nonetheless. Me and LB ordered the same noodle dish while BF took the rice set. We also ordered the dry butter chicken (yum!) and fried cuttlefish as a side dish but we were not able to finish all of it. I guess it was pretty much because our main dish was served way ahead before the side dishes came, so when it did arrived, we were already quite full.
The following nite after work, we went to visit her again and this time around, BIL was also coming to visit her as he was gonna spend the weekend with her at the hotel. Arrived at the hotel around 7ish but we had to wait for BIL as he was still in a cab on his way to the hotel. I think BIL finally arrived around 8ish and off to dinner we went.
Trying out the camera's night mode while waiting for BIL to arrive.
We had dinner at this seafood restaurant not that far away from the hotel, but I cant seem to remember the name of the joint. Hmm...must be cause the food was..well..how shall i put it?? - below average?! Yeah, the food was way,waaaayyy below average. The soup was tasteless, the 'belacan' asparagus was nothing like 'belacan' asparagus and the fish..tsk,tsk,tsk. Poor fellow..died for nothing. The fish had that 'fish taste' and smell that lingers at your palate even after you've swallowed. I dont know how to explain the taste and I dont even know whether there's a name for it, but I do know that I like to eat fish but not when it has that taste and smell. Urrgghhh. It was torture eating the fish, but being polite ibans that we are, the fish was eaten anyway.
Sister (LB) and BIL while waiting for out orders to be taken.
Since we were all tired, we decided to call it a night after dinner and dropped them off at the hotel. Arrived home quite late and went to bed straight away. We figured that the next day was gonna be a hectic day so we wanted as much rest as possible. Our intuition was right as that weekend wasn't our usual laid back weekend. It was more of a 'running around' kind of weekend, which I will only post in the next entry. One thing for sure, if i were to keep that kind of pace every weekend, I can guarantee myself that I will be able to be back to my slim figure in no time! Hehe...=P
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Weekend getaway - Langkawi

Sunset from the hotel's beach. Lovely ain't it?? Am missing the view already...*sigh*
What to eat..what to eat? Hmm..everything looks soo good.
Taking picture with the fishes in Underwater World Langkawi
I love this place! Gorgeous isn't it? I think its called the Royal Langkawi Yatch Club. Did i mention that i love this place?
There are a few more pictures that i would like to post here but cant seem to do it now as there is something wrong with the uploader. Will update the post as soon as the uploader is up and running again. **Sigh**
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Bday to me...again!

BF bbq'ing the chicken and wala! The cooked chicken bbq. Slurpp...!!

Left to right : The bday cake and BF trying to light the candles earlier

Left to right: After stuffing our faces and me with the bday present from HA
After stuffing ourselves with all that food (including the cake as dessert), we chill for a while outside before adjourning inside to gamble, no money included of course. Played for a while and then we called it a night.