First and foremost, i present to you Girl! I adopted her way back in 2003. She was actually brought home by my housemate, but she (my housemate) didnt do a good job as a mommy, so me and bf took over from there and we have not regreted our decision ever since as she is such an angel!
Then there is Milo...

We rescued and adopted Milo a year after we got Girl. Isnt's she adorable in this picture? She was a small and fragile kitten when we first got her in but now, she is the strongest and fatest (*ahem) cat AND she also rules the house. Hehehe..
And lastly, there is Dessy...

We got Dessy (again...rescued & adopted) last 2005. At first, when we rescued her, we were planning to find her a good home as we werent planning to have a third one and there was also a prospective 'adopter' (got word like that a?..=P). However, this person changed their mind and we also got attached to her, so we decided to just keep her. She was soo cute as a kitten and even now, she still looks adorable. Awww....look at that. How can you resist such a face?!?!
So there. Those are all my "babies". They have brought much joy & happiness to me all these years and i dont know what i'll do without them.