Ahh...finally, after all this while, were back in Kuching. Its so good to be back home but the flight we took was..well..a bit bumpy. When we landed, some of the passenger's were practically clapping. Bumpy..ppl clapping when it finally landed...get the picture?? This is all due to the bad weather in KL. When we were in Kuching airways, everything was quite normal except for some bumps here and there. I hope i wouldn't have to experience it again when the time comes for me to fly back to KL. *Sigh*
BF and I are back to Kch to spend the holidays with loved ones. Bf is actually celebrating Raya but as for myself, am just here to enjoy the needed break from work.
We landed in Kch airport on Raya eve quite late so we didn't really get to go anywhere that night. We did however went out for a while to lepak at this place near my house to have a drink before we call it a night. Didn't really call it a night after that though, cos when we got home, my cousin whom were living next door were outside, so we lepak for a bit more. Bf didn't stay long cos he had to sleep early to prepare to tomorrow's big day. I left with him just so that i can eat the delicious noodle that i 'tapau' from the stall only to be disappointed by the taste afterwards. Ah well, i guess the older we get, the more our pallate becomes choosy.
Anyway, after the disappointing noodle, i went out to have a puff and cousin called me to join them lepak at their house. Since it has been a while since I've met her, so i went ahead and ended up lepaking with her till about 1ish. The husband were doing his tattoo so we were chatting while at the same time teasing the husband cos he was obviously in pain! It was so good to sit and talk about life, the good old days and also about what's been happening to the people around us.
Didn't manage to get enuff sleep that night. Dont know why. Mum woke me up early to go visiting to my brother's house but i kindda had made a promise to go over to bf's house instead. So while the rest of my family went visiting, i stayed at home. Sms'ed my good friend who told me she wanted to follow me visit bf's house, but she had to run some errand for her mum, so tak jadi. Ended up going to bf's house only in the evening cos i was not up to it earlier. Guess it was cos of the lack of sleep.
Was at bf's house till about 10ish cos the nephew was hosting his birthday party. There were so many people! I was actually not in the mood for visiting at first, let alone a birthday party but cos it was bf's family member, so i had to be nice. The things we do for men, kan?!
Went home straight after that, took my shower and then lepak a bit with my sis who were also around for the holiday before i hit the sack. Tried to read a book but eyes were so sleepy so i put the book aside and off i went to Lala land.
Woke up the next day bright and early but will write about that on the next posting. Hopefully i can put up some pictures on the next posting.
Till then, I would like to wish all the Muslims all over the whole, a Selamat Hari Raya and to those that are not celebrating but is taking advantage of the long weekend, happy holidays!!