Every time I mentioned about my trip to Kuantan, people would tell me "why were you in Kuantan? There's nothing to see there wat!". Well, these people are so wrong. I don't know which part of Kuantan they went to, but I quite enjoy my trip there earlier this month.
If it wasn't because of Jamie's wedding reception, I wouldn't have thought of going to Kuantan myself. Thank the-big-guy-up-there that Jamie invited us to the wedding cos if not, then we wouldn't be able to enjoy the splendour of Kuantan!
Jamie's wedding reception was held on the 8th of March 08, which was a Saturday. So we decided to go since it was the weekend anyway and that we've (bf & I) have never been there. My uber cool friends were also invited so we all booked a 3 bedroom apartment in this place called "Tembeling Resort". That too we should thank Jamie, cos if it weren't for her, we wouldn't have known that the place ever existed. Will post the picture of the place in due course cos I didn't bring it today.
Looking at the price that we were paying, the resort is actually not that bad and most importantly, it was near the house of where the reception were held. So it was easy for us since we weren't that familiar with the place. The room that we got was facing the ocean, so when we open the sliding, we were greeted by the ocean breeze. That was seriously the highlight of the apartment. Apart from that, everything else were pretty much standard and I don't have much complaint about it. Well, ok. I lied. I do have one, uno, complain about the place and its about the a/c in our room! I guess it was super old that when we turn it off, the water will drip causing the floor to flood! It was such an inconvenience for both of us cos we were not able to off the a/c regardless of how cold we were that night. Urrgh!
Ok, enough about the complain. Moving on...
We arrived in Kuantan that afternoon, so we had a few hours to kill before needing to attend the reception. UCF (Uber Cool friends) decided to kill their time at the beach while me and BF decided to hit the mall. Got myself a swimsuit at the mall and then we decided to join UCF at the beach.

Picture from left to right: Me and BF enjoying the breeze; aww...; UCF and me; UCF with BF and me.
Took more pictures at the beach and then went back to the hotel to get ready for the reception. All of us decided to wear the traditional malay costumes for the reception and we look like one happy family on Raya day in the picture! Hehehe..

Don't we all look like we were ready to celebrate Raya?! =P
Arrived at the reception and saw that some of our colleagues were already there, eating. So we joined in and stayed there long enough to take pictures with the bride & groom.

Bride and groom with our team and our families
Obviously there are more pictures of the wedding than I intend to post here, but I think this one is more than enough. Besides, if it were my wedding, then I'll probably want to post alot more pictures that I should. =)
The next day, we checked out and made our journey back to KL. But before we did that, we manage to stop by at Cherating and checked out the beach. Was disappointed though as the beach weren't as nice as 'Telok Chempedak". UCF decided that they were gonna drive to Terengganu but me and BF decided not to tag along cos it was gonna be a longer drive home if we were to go. So, off them went to Terengganu and us to KL.
It was an interesting trip and I do hope to come back again. Kuantan, you have not seen the last of us yet!