Lately i have been terrible in updating my blog. Cant really blame me as the only time i can do the update is when i'm in the office or when i go to a cyber cafe. Yes, yes, i hate to admit it but i dont have any internet connection at home. Lame huh? I know. Shame on me. Tsk,tsk,tsk..(shakes head).
Since i last did my posting, alot has happened. Both good and bad. Did quite a number of weekend getaway as well. The recent getaway was to Langkawi for a 3 days 2 night stay. The whole trip was great but tiring as we were trying to explore the island in 3 days! Alas, we manage to only visit 5 places, which i think is not bad considering the fact that we did that all in 1 day. Try to visit a few more places on the day we were to return back to KL but due to time constraint, we decided to scrap that idea. Didnt wanna miss the plane back to KL, plus we were missing our babies terribly! =P

Sunset from the hotel's beach. Lovely ain't it?? Am missing the view already...*sigh*
What to eat..what to eat? Hmm..everything looks soo good.
Taking picture with the fishes in Underwater World Langkawi
I love this place! Gorgeous isn't it? I think its called the Royal Langkawi Yatch Club. Did i mention that i love this place?
There are a few more pictures that i would like to post here but cant seem to do it now as there is something wrong with the uploader. Will update the post as soon as the uploader is up and running again. **Sigh**