Friday, January 04, 2008

Hello long 2007~

Its 6.08pm on the 4th of January and its rainning cats and dogs outside. It would be soo nice if i were at home and not the office!! How duhhh..

Anyway, was planning to start the posting with a new year wish to myself, but then again i decided againts doing it cos its just lame. In actual fact, i cant think of anything interesting to write today..not that the rest of the postings were interesting to begin with, but there's no harm in thinking that it was, right? Btw, did i mentioned earlier that i cant think of anything interesting to write?? How frustrating!! I do have photos that i can post instead of writing anything but i've not transfered anything yet to the pc. Its still on my phone. Have been reminding myself to tranfer the file eons ago but obviously that didnt happen, right? See what happens when you procrastinate?!

So..2008 is here and honouring my 2007 resolution, I decided not to make ANY resolution for this year. Can you guess what my 2007 resolution was? Uhuh! You guessed it! It was to NOT have any resolutions. Reason? Simple: cos I could never fulfill any of the resolution that I made every year.


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